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Ludwig Karg, Chairman


Chairman of INEM since 2005.
Executive Officer, Managing Director,
Sustainability Specialist, Computer Scientist

Born 1956

Professional experience and education

Since 1993 Managing Director of B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH. Started B.A.U.M. Consult München GmbH as a subsidiary of B.A.U.M. Consult Hamburg GmbH in 1993. Project leader for various research and development projects in the field of sustainability management in local communities and companies, mostly funded by ministries of the German Federal Republic or the State of Bavaria. Along with managing work specialisation and work on sustainable development of cities, towns, rural areas and enterprises. Development of methods to drive local Agenda 21 processes and software tools to support future prone activities of local authorities and enterprises. Numerous presentations, articles on sustainable development, renewable energy usage etc.. Member of various committees, e. g. for the Local Agenda 21 of Munich, Jury of the Bremen Award, member of the Bavarian Environmental Forum, Quality Board for IMAT Masters Project Germany / Japan.

1983-1993 German and international positions in the Intel Training Centre. In charge of the curriculum for multimedia and network products. Intel´s representative at various international events. Since that time familiar with the economic and political systems in Europe and in the United States. Founded and headed the Intel Environment Council, a group that introduced environmental management schemes in the corporation

1980-1993 Foundation and running of a workgroup (NGO) on sustainable development in his hometown. Member and in charge of various environmental groups in the Christian Church, e. g. the Committee for Men and Environment in the diocese of München-Freising

1981-1983 Systems engineer for various companies

1981 Graduation with a diploma (Dipl. Inf. univ.) in Computer Sciences at the Technical University of Munich

Language skills

German: mother tongue
English: good knowledge

Selected project references

  • Development of methods and various multimedia products like “BAUMIS – Environmental Management in small and medium sized enterprises” and “KUMIS - Environmental Management in small and medium sized local communities” (both for the Ministry of Education and Research, both including databases for environmental data and EMS training programs), “Umwelt-Check für den Haushalt” (sponsored by IBM and AEG), “Zukunft ländlicher Raum” (Future for Rural Areas - Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Austria)
  • Establishment of Regional initiatives on nutrition and energy usage (e. g. BRUCKER LAND, UNSER LAND, Nordlichter Region Weserland, BARUM 111)
  • Research studies on “Sustainability in crafts organisations”, “Municipalities and mobile phone technology”, “Biomass and hydrogen”, “Waste effects of regional supply systems” etc.
  • International knowhow transfer projects e. g. „BayLit - Cooperation project Bavaria / Lithuania on Sustainable Development“, “STEP FORWARD” and “VIRTUAL RENET”: networks of excellence with renewable energy regions, “IMAT”: member of quality board for the transfer of a German masters program on Material Flow Management (developed by Umweltcampus Birkenfeld) to Japan
  • Development of handbooks “Die umweltbewußte Gemeinde” und “Der zukunftsbewußte Landkreis”, both supported by multimedia tools on CD-ROM (Bavarian Ministry of Landscape Management and Environment)
  • Preparation and Management of two Congresses on Sustainable Development (German Ministry of Environment)
  • Numerous Local Agenda 21 Projects in cities, towns and regions, e. g. München, Ingolstadt, Herzogenaurach, Günzburg, Blaichach, Kirchheim u. Teck, Region of Duderstadt, Counties of Fürstenfeldbruck, Kronach and Bergstraße
  • Development of the concept “Kommune mit Zukunft” (municipality with future) for EXPO 2000

International Network for Environmental Management (INEM)
Osterstrasse 58
20259 Hamburg

Tel (office): +49-40-4907-1600
Tel (direct): +49-89-18935-0

Executive Director of B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH
Gotzinger Str. 48/50
81371 Munich

Tel.: +49-89-18935-200
Fax: +49-89-18935-199