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Environmental Policy Checklist

Click on the check boxes as you evaluate your environmental policy. A JavaScript will weigh your responses and calculate your score. When you have finished, print the page to retain a record.

Environmental Policy Checklist

To what extent do the following statements apply to your policy?

1 = not at all
5 = absolutely






1. The environmental policy of your company is written.

2. It is defined by management.

3. Employees participated in defining the policy.

4. It is reviewed at regular intervals.

5. When changes occur in the company it is adapted.

6. Employees are informed about the policy.

7. It covers compliance with environmental legislation.

8. It covers commitment to continuous improvement of environmental performance.

9. The following site-related areas are taken into account:

     a) energy

      b) raw materials and water

      c) waste

      d) noise

      e) production process/es

      f) product planning

      g) environmental performance of contractors and suppliers

      h) prevention of accidents

      i) dealing with accidents

      j) environmental protection and personnel

      k) environment and public relations

10. The policy is understandable for employees.

11. It is understandable for those outside of the company.

12. It is goal oriented.

13. It is credible and meaningful.

14. It serves as a guide for employees.

15. It helps employees to identify with the company.

16. It is followed up with concrete measures and goals.

17. It fits with the ability of management and employees.

18. It is consistent with the overall goals of the company.

19. It is supported and put into practice by management.

20. It takes the needs of day-to-day operations into account and opens possibilities rather than being a constraint.


Maximum no. of points possible = 150



This checklist is a component of the EMAS Tool Kit for SMEs.

Source: B.A.U.M. EPAG, Zukunftsorientiertes Umweltmanagement in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, 1998 according to VDI-OIKOS, Effektives Umweltmanagement, II-6.3.5 and Wruk, Praxishandbuch Umweltmanagement-System, 1996